Sunday, May 2, 2010


They get you.
They let you be....and challenge you from one moment to the next...
They believe in you....and motivate you to change....
They are different from you....and yet are somehow the same...
They put up with you...enduring your excesses...
...celebrating your successes...
...mourning your defeats...
They endure...when you fail....when you fall down...and retreat, defeated and shut down.
They know.
They accept.
Life happens....
and transforms...what was..
into what is.
And what enough...
Friendship weathers the storms....the tempest...the silence.
It exists...even when invisible....untapped....
It survives....
What a gift...
I do NOT take for granted the friends I have.
Precious you are.
The unsung heroes of my life.

You know who you are.
You have my heart.
My gratitude.
My love.


  1. Beautiful, just like you. If only I knew who you were....

  2. yes, who IS RosyJ? Is she a friend???
