Saturday, January 29, 2011

3in30 Goals

I didn't think it would be so hard to come up with goals for the month. My dilemma is narrowing them down. The other dilemma is making sure my goals merge with my priorities: God, family and a healthy body,soul and spirit. I am a typically fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants kind of girl. I am very spontaneous and passionate. I have ideas running through my head 24/7 and narrowing my focus and not spreading myself too thin is going to be a challenge. I do not have a busy life per se even though I have three sons still at home...we are very low key. My brain however is very busy and needs a personal assistant of its own!

So...after much deliberation and consultation with my gray matter I have set my first goal as :

1. Getting up at a consistent time, reading my bible and journaling: alone time with God. (3 in 1)

My second goal involves family, in that we have gotten into a rut of watching television most evenings: lots of Food Network and other such channels so #2 is:
2. Cutting down on evening tv and introducing other family building activities.

Number 3 is tricky because I think it is the most difficult for me. It is personal and I HATE setting it down on paper and giving myself an ultimatum. But that is the point isn't it? So I need to get it set in stone.

3. Write every day. Not just my blog. I need to commit to my WIP ( works in progress) and get to the point of submitting a proposal. 

Now I am scared.Have I mentioned that I HATE putting this down in black and white????

My heart is racing. I have such encouragement and support from family in my life. I know that setting goals and working towards creating habits is good and right. But I am also going to need divine help and intervention. So I commit these goals to God and trust him for strength and the power to see them accomplished: For His glory.


  1. Although it's one of the scariest things for you, it's necessary for you to write... EVERY, DAY! You have a gift...the world needs you to write. I need you to write. The Father needs you to write.

  2. It sounds like we are so much alike... there is something SO scary about putting it down in writing. Here's to encouraging one another and keeping each other accountability!
