Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Tuesday's Child

"Tuesday's Child is full of Grace"
Tuesday, August 8, 1967 was a stormy day.  I don't remember it at all, but I am told I made my debut into the world in the middle of a summer storm. That fits my personality to a T, although not in the conventional manner. I love storms to this day.

Upon waking this morning the refrain 'Tuesday's Child' played  over and over in my head. Quickly turning on my computer I googled the rhyme. A website containing the classic verse popped up and I noticed that it also had a search box which you could employ to find out what day of the week you were born on. Lo and behold: I am Tuesday's Child.

The name Juanita is a feminine version of John in Spanish, it is translated: God's gracious gift.
My middle name Rose is regarded throughout history as an ancient symbol of love and beauty.

Juanita Rose: God's gracious gift of love and beauty.

Me.{ you wouldn't think that if you saw me this morning}

It took every bit of strength I had to turn my inward critic off.
My deep down self loathing, arrogant, bitter, comparing, judgmental, whiny voice was clawing at me today.

Self worship is what I was truly engaged in: Ugly. Deceptive. Crippling.

I didn't succeed in hitting the off switch on my own, a son stepped in and turned my head and my focus to the wonder of creation, the breathtaking beauty all around and the blessing that each day holds.

He shifted the attention off myself and transferred it to my Father.
He invited me to worship elsewhere.

Gratitude for the gift of my life fills me.
God's gift of abundant grace overwhelms my soul.
A sense of wonder of all that has been given sinks through.

Today is a good day because God is in it: He is in every day.
Give me eyes to see and ears to hear.
It is well with my soul because He does all things well: All.the.time.
Lord I believe, help my unbelief.

"This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it."
~Psalm 118:24
Are you looking at your day in wonder and awe at the gift you've been given?
Do you have a sense of gratitude for the breath in your body, eyes to see, ears to hear, mouth to praise?

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