Monday, February 23, 2009

If We Only Knew

"Father forgive them...they know not what they do...."

As I look outside my window..the sky is a uniform color from horizon to horizon...
It's not a lowering gray...more like the colour of faded well worn blue jeans...

There's a lot on my mind today...

You can stop chuckling now...
Lori can stop right're going to go into labor...

Feel better?
Seriously now...

I know you all know me by I can afford to have you laugh at me.
I am getting pretty comfortable...with who I am...
Definitely not a woman of few words..and my mind never shuts off..

It is a good thing I learned to talk to God about everything and anything since I could almost walk.
I think that's what saves me...
All you who are reading... you aren't getting anything he hasn't already heard.

Now there's a comforting thought...

God reads my blog!


Hey it's Monday morning...and I haven't had coffee for ages...


Just in case you don't remember.. today...

Here's a little caffeine for the soul...


You know where it says..

"Thou shalt not have any other gods before me." ???
One of the big "10".
Probably the biggest... since it was the first...



One of the things I have realized is that I have a huge god before him...

The one I've made up.
The one who spells his name the same.
Has the same eyes.
Wears the same style of bathrobe...
Has the same furniture in this big white room...


You know what I am talking about.
The wizard of Oz...

I have this idea of god that I parade around all the time in my head.
And boy does he tend to take up a lot of space..and he is huge...
He has a loud voice too.

But you know...
The more I cry out..
The more I fix my eyes..
The more I let go...
The more I surrender..
The more I release..
The more I question..
The more I embrace...
The more I trust..
The more I humble myself...

The veil... tears.. a little farther...

The image fades...
The voice is being replaced..
The idea..image...form... fashioned by my own imagination...
Is dissolving..

My eyes are opening..
My ears are opening...

I made God in my own image.

He has spent my whole life unmaking...revealing...uncovering...approaching.

Doesn't it just take your breath away...

He approaches me...

When Jesus said..Father forgive them...

It wasn't just about the nails...
It was about who we would make him out to be in our minds and hearts.

We might not make graven images any more..
But we have images engraved on our hearts and in our minds.

My God is an awesome God.

He is inscrutable...yet he makes himself known..
He is perfect..yet he surrounds my imperfection...
He is just..and yet mercy triumphs...
He is Holy...and yet wraps me in himself...

The truth is...
We know not what we do...

But he does.


We DO know...what HE did...

And that my friends...
Changed everything...

If we only knew...


  1. ROFL,
    what, you mean you don't want to deliver this baby with Jamie gone to Edmonton?? hehe
    I loved our talk in the car this am!!
    I even enjoyed getting up at 8am to be somewhat coherent by the time you picked me up! lol
    Now I'm ready for a nap, so I don't go into labor overdoing it while I pack up my bedroom today!

  2. I am really enjoying this blog. Thought-provoking and honest. Keep writing, it's cool to be in contact again. Lots of love.

  3. I agree with Cassandra...except for the "being in contact again" as i've never met you before. :) I so much enjoy your entries as they are a tender dance of encouragement and challenge all at the same time. Beauty!--j
