Saturday, December 31, 2011


Today there are many people around the world looking off into the distance at the year to come. 
Some have only ever known slavery and despair, and still a flicker of hope remains deep within, a hunger for freedom drives them to live.
Others wake hungry, have always been hungry and still fight their way through their 24 hour day for the tiniest of scraps to feed themselves and their family.
There are those who scavenge to satisfy thirst and barter their life's blood for water that brings with it diseases and parasites and still they labor.
Some have woken in a drunken stupor this morning, another day stretching ahead, another day to fight the demon trying to destroy them, another 24 hours to wage a war they have no hope of winning on their own.
Loss and death has sucked the very oxygen out of the air around others, and they can't seem to breathe.
Precious lives have been stolen and interred in the ground all over the world this year.
Minds have sunk deeper into the mist of addiction, conditions, dementia.
Depression has wrapped it's chains around millions, immobilizing and dragging them deeper into the mire.

There are thousands who won't see the New Year dawn.

My day has begun, the last of 2011. I have a coffee in hand and a heart full and spilling over.
I can't remember the last time I experienced such a sense of resolve on the last day of the year.

I am not a resolution girl.

I picked up Blake Mycoskie's book: Start Something That Matters yesterday from the library.
Great timing.

I am going to see the movie The Way ( Martin Sheen and Emilio Estevez) today at the cheap theater with my guys.

There is a quote in the movie trailer that just reached out and grabbed me by the throat:

" You don't choose a life, you live it."

Seriously stopped me in my tracks.
Sometimes  it feels like all there are ..are choices, and more choices.

I realized again...that life is never on hold.
If all I see is choices I have lost the sheer joy of living.

I am NOT trusting...simply trusting that God in all his powerful wisdom is able to lead and guide and miracle of miracles...preserve me. I lose my wonder and the ability to live my life with the abandonment of a child.

Pain has been a constant presence for going on 2 years now.
What a teacher pain is....if you let it.
It can also be an evil enemy of massive proportions...if you let it.

This year I began to accept the truth that wisdom is found only on the far side of pain.

I started my post today with a walk around the world onto the landscapes stretching out before some of the other precious souls on the planet.

Take some time today to reflect on the year behind you and some time to anticipate your life ahead, then take some minutes and stand before the One who gave you the very breath in your nostrils and lift up those who need a miracle and have no voice to even cry out, and no knowledge of the one who purposed them.

Pray for those who curse the day of their birth and are at risk, seemingly held fast in the grip of the stealer and devourer.

We live on the same planet spinning into another year. We walk together by design.

Live...because that is the gift He has given you.
Live from the center of His perspective, today and all the days ahead, for the sheer joy of it!

We don't have a year...we have today...



  1. Powerfully inspiring!

    Thank you for the reminder to see today as it has been given... a gift. Today... grace.

    Although I haven't been commenting, I have been reading... and thoroughly enjoying every minute!

    Happy New Year!

  2. I love your picture. It is filled with hope and promise just like the post. :)

  3. @Donetta : Thanks for dropping by and letting me know you were here! Happy New Year to you too. Many blessings on your journey may you grow deeper and richer and stronger as the Father weaves His will in you.

  4. @Michelle : That is Jeremy staring off into the western sunset the summer before last when we were house sitting in Turner Valley. Hope indeed !
